Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Andrew is Growing!

Boy, the time flies by! Andrew is already 7 weeks old! I took him last week to Sears to get his picture taken. They are so precious! We made it through three outfits and 18 poses before I knew he wasn't going to make it any further. I was a little disappointed because I wanted some shots of him in just his diaper, but there's always next time! If you would like to see the pics, click on "Comments" at the bottom of this post, and I will email you the link.
Andrew is smiling all the time and is beginning to "talk". He says "aahh," and "coo" a lot. He has come close to a laugh a couple of times. He likes to be on his tummy and is really good at holding his head up. He LOVES his swing...he likes to watch the little birds on the mobile fly around. It's his favorite place to nap!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Out with the Old...

That verse in 2 Corinthians has become one of my favorites..."Therefore, anyone in Christ is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Sometimes, though, it becomes a little hard to swallow. That "new" part of being a follower of Christ - it isn't a one time thing. God is continually changing our lives! So many changes are happening in our lives right now. A new baby has been quite an adjustment, yet every sacrifice has been rewarded with joy beyond our wildest dreams! Last night our church elected a new pastor. I am confident that God is in control of this situation, and I believe that the new pastor will be wonderful for our church. But I couldn't hold back the tears as we prayed over him. Two of my best friends in the world - two people who were pivotal in my salvation and growth as a Christian - are leaving us and moving to Florida. I know God has big things for them. I know God has big things for us, too. Joy beyond our wildest dreams! But I will miss them SO much. Scott and Kirsten, I love you!!! On top of that, the principal I have worked with for 10 years in Columbus Public Schools is leaving our school to work at another elementary that really needs her. I know she will do great things for the children and families at Scottwood, but Woodcrest will miss her dearly!
Here is Andrew making a new friend. if he can do it, then I guess I can, too!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Grandma's House Part 2

The best thing about being a teacher is, when you have a baby in the spring, you get extra long maternity leave! I don't have to be back to work until the end of July, so we will be able to make numerous trips to Grandma & Grandpa's house in the next few weeks. That is assuming I'm not disowned for posting this picture on the internet. (My mom, though beautiful, is a little camera shy.) Andrew and I went down Tuesday morning for a two day visit to my mom and dad's farm in Coshocton County. Andrew loved being cuddled by Grandma and was all smiles for her! He didn't mind sleeping in a different house and kept to his regular sleeping patterns. Andrew's cousins, Hannah and Tristan were there, too. Hannah (7 mos.) was facinated with him. She would smile and flap her hands in excitement. Then she would reach out to him, but carefully pull here hand back - she wasn't quite sure if she should touch him. So cute! On Wednesday, Mom and I took Hannah, Tristan, and Andrew shopping. Quite an adventure with two babies and an 11 year old who wants everything! Lots of clothes, a few toys, and two hermit crabs later (we thought the first hermit crab might get lonely), we came home tired and worn out. We were so tired, Andrew and I decided to stay one more night, even though he had an early morning appointment with the pediatrician. We left at 7 a.m. the next morning and made it just in time (Mommy had to stop at McDonalds for a large coffee!) Andrew weighed in at 9lbs. 2oz. and measured 22 inches long. What growing boy! He even tried to roll over when the doc put him on his belly! He smiles a lot, and is beginning to coo as well. I'll try to catch a grin on camera to post here - he is so precious! Here are some more photos of him and some cute shots of Hannah, too!