Monday, March 30, 2009

My Boys

I have discovered Picasa. I love it.
Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 23, 2009

Daddy's Helper

This winter we lost a couple of pine trees in our back yard. Phil went out in the warm sunshine on Sunday afternoon to cut them down and dig them up. Andrew was quite the little helper!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Big Loser

On New Year's Eve, I went to the Y to renew our membership. Being a mom of 2 under 2 is quite taxing, and frankly depression was beginning to take over. I decided it was time to regain my energy and drop this baby weight. I was happy to discover that they are now offering childcare at no extra charge. I can take the boys with me and leave them in the child care center for an hour while I work out. (I can leave them up to 2 1/2 hours when Aaron turns 6 months!) I am actually REALLY enjoying it! My energy boosted 100% within two days, and I am finding the "me time"
invaluable! When I returned to work, after the holiday break, we started a "Biggest Loser" contest at work. I am currently in second place! I have lost 11 lbs since New Years Day, and I am still extremely motivated. I am hungry ALL THE TIME thanks to breastfeeding, but I am finding it easier and easier to make smart choices about what I cook and what I choose to snack on. I allow myself an occasional treat, but I feel so good, I just can't stand the thought of putting junk in my body - most of the time, anyway. I am happy to say I have lost all the weight I gained with Aaron - but I still have about 15 lbs to get to my "pre-Andrew" weight. Dang...I should have done a "before" photo. Will a pregnacy photo do? LOL!

Aaron is going to be an outdoorsman just like his Daddy and brother! Here he is enjoying yesterday's sunshine!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Love that Technology...hmph.

SO. It has been nearly 5 months since my last post. That is partly due to my Mommy Brain, but mostly due to our technology situation. Back in November I got a memory card stuck in the media reader of my laptop. THEN, the power cord stopped working, the battery died, and I couldn't even turn it on. THEN I think I got a virus that completely paralyzed my system. My laptop sat unused for about two months, which was no big deal since I can't really get online without little toddler hands and feet climbing up and pushing or pounding every button available. Then I sent it off to a friend to be fixed - a very busy friend, apparently, because it took him about 6 wks to get it back to me. Anyway, here I am, and for the time being I can share some thoughts and pics with you.

ANDREW will be 2 years old on April 30th. He LOVES the outdoors and is so excited about the mild weather that we have been having. I have to be pretty watchful, because he pulls the kitchen chairs up to the back door, unlocks the deadbolt, and lets himself outside. We have finally given in and allow a few periods of time during the day during which he is allowed to come in and out as he pleases. Thank goodness for the safety of our fenced in backyard! He talks up a storm all day long. Right this moment, he is standing with the pantry door open saying to himself, "Hmm...let's see..." Like he's going to prepare himself a feast.

AARON is 5 1/2 months old, and is happy and smiley most of the day. He is a little more temperamental than Andrew was - or at least the way I remember it. He REALLY likes to be held and carried around. I suspect that he is teething right now, too, so we've had some increased fussiness the last few days. He has rolled over to his belly, although I haven't seen it - apparently he saves those tricks for Grandma! Overall he is a happy guy, and just grins and giggles for Mommy and Daddy. I love it when we are nursing and I look down at him and he has completely stopped what he is doing to stare at me, and when I look down he smiles a huge toothless grin that just melts my heart - no matter how tired I am. (Did I mention he's not sleeping through the night yet? Yeah...gettin' old, but I know we'll get through it.)
PHIL AND I are happier than ever and continually praise God for the blessing of our children and our home. He is SO good!