*Climbing on a chair to reach the light switch and play the on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off game. Mommy gets particularly frustrated when he flips the switch that controls the outlet that the fish tank is plugged into. Of course, the obvious solution is to pull the chair away. The problem here is that this chair was previously used to block the little gap through which he can reach the outlet strip and unplug all of the aquarium equipment. At least he's resourceful, right?
*Climbing on a chair to pull various items off the kitchen counters. Are we seeing a patterns here with chairs? Hm. This would be why anyone who visits the Shenk house these
days will find chairs against walls in various areas of the
house instead of pushed under the tables they belong to.
*Picking apples. We have three apple trees in our backyard which are the source of much amusement for Andrew. He will eat up to three or four apples a day of allowed. It is particularly amusing to watch him pick an apple, take one or two bites, then give it to the dog so he can go back and pick another one. Yes, the dog eats the apples, too!
*Pointing his finger at the dog (and sometimes strangers in Walmart) and shouting "NO, NO, NO!" I always thought I was patient and kind until my son started imitating me! Time for some self-reflection? Yikes!
Hope you enjoy these pics. From top to bottom they are: Being spoiled at Grandma's house; First trip to the zoo; cruising with cousin Hannah at Great Aunt Debbie's house on Grandma Day; Andrew's first haircut!
1 comment:
Talk about imitating, Isabelle looked at Conrad yesterday and randomly yelled at the top of her voice, "Say Please!"
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