Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Potty Time

Andrew got a potty for Christmas. It is just like the one my niece uses at my Mom's house, so he was immediately enthralled. For a while - like weeks - he asked to go to the potty every time we took off his diaper, and had a big fit if we didn't let him go. I got the little round cushion seat for the big potty and a step stool and we seemed to be well on our way. Then Aaron, Andrew and I all got terrible colds. I was exhausted (even MORE so than normal) and Andrew didn't feel like putting much effort into anything, let alone potty habits. Since then we have kinda pushed it to the way side. Last week I began a three week vacation from work - HOORAY FOR YEAR ROUND SCHOOL! I decided we were going to hit potty training full force again. I lost my motivation on the very first day. I am just not ready for the commitment it takes to ask him every hour if he has to go, to make him go before we get in the car, after nap, etc., etc... Going back and reading what I just wrote, I am actually feeling a little lazy - but throw a 6 month old in the mix and its a different story, right? Maybe I should start smaller that ALL of that. ANYWAY, the last few days Andrew has been doing "big kid" things. He can take off his clothes. Recently he actually brought a diaper to Phil and announced "Daddy, I poop!"; and today he took off his pajamas and his diaper and said to me - "Mommy - GO POTTY!" Okay. Its time. Mind you, this is a kid who won't be 2 for another 3 weeks! I should be jumping for joy! Okay, I'll do a couple of jumping jacks or something - maybe that will motivate me a little more. I'll just try to keep thinking of what a relief it will be when I only have to buy ONE size of diapers at the grocery store and my diaper changing time is cut in half at home!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yeah! Isabelle UN potty trained her almost completely potty trained self while in Inda...good times...